Thursday, May 17, 2012

Flying Away

I'm finally on a plane to London, in considerably better spirits due to a Scottish man sitting next to me with curly eyelashes who said, "Do you think they could make these damn seats any closer together? Sheeeeeet." At least I think that is what he said, I can't understand him very well. And then I'm pretty sure he went on to tell me he just got engaged in Edinburgh Castle and to describe some refurbished bridges in London.
I'm excited.

I Believe in Packing Light

Which is why is just went through my backpack a second time, mercilessly throwing out 2 shirts, a dress, some vaseline, and chapstick. 
Unfortunately, I am also a bit lighter on this trip because I am missing a very important piece of it: my paper ticket for a train ride from Paris to Florence.  Two of my friends and I scoured my belongings, to no avail.  I have to leave in the morning without it.  I didn't think it was that big a deal, until I just finished watching the season finale of How I Met Your Mother, and at the end burst into tears. 
Good vacations do not start with crying.  I need to buck up. 
Actually I need to go to bed. 
Day 1.