Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Kickin' Christmas Present

i'm a bad gift-giver in general, and an especially bad one when it matters most--Christmas and my Best Friends' Weddings. this is apparent in my loved ones' lives in two ways: they either get nothing or they get something they don't like. my dad, for instance, has recently told me to stick to only giving him golf balls.

he already has buckets of balls.

there is one person that i am particulary good at giving presents to. it's Rachel (this girl), and she makes me. Rach is a great gift-giver. i realized the implications this would have on my life when we were new friends and i prepared her taxes for her, in return (haha) she gave me VS lotion as a thank-you gift. since then i've come to understand that i always am supposed to give presents.

this past Christmas we met up for a little Christmas shopping. something about Old Navy made us both realize neither of us needed any more clothes. so we decided to give each other a kickboxing class instead.

oh, yes.

tonight will be our first class. to find it, i had this conversation:

"hello. this is Master Tom."
"hi. i'm looking for a kickboxing class for my friend and i to take. do you do that?"
"miss, how did you get this number?"
"of course we have classes."
"okay, but i just want, like, a cardio class. i don't want to beat anyone up."
"well, it just depends on what you want ultimately, miss. just come on in. you can get a free pair of boxing gloves and three intro classes for $19.99. ask for me, i'm Master Tom. i call myself Master because i got credentials."

since i don't like extra stuff laying around my house, and i am not interested in punching anyone, the free gloves almost turned me off.

but instead, we signed up.

i'm not quite sure exactly what we signed up for, but i'm sort of excited.


Mandy said...

I was just thinking the other day about the Christmas when we bought each other the feather beds and then switched. That was fun!

Heather Bankhead said...

Mands--I totally forgot about that! I dang lent it to A.B. for his bed. Arg. Can I ask for stuff back from an ex once he's married?

Trishelle said...

I must add that both Chris and I loved our wedding gift. He still gets goofy about it.

As for kickboxing, sister, you go girl! You're gonna have some serious street cred! And knowing you've got a pair of boxing gloves raises your coolness factor even more!

Joy and Ted said...

How did it go?? AND, I agree, your niece is so sweet and cute!! Love ya!