Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Beauty Pageant

wasn't really a beauty pageant. but i failed to inform my friend Trishelle of this when i invited her to go with me to see one of my students compete in the Mr. Utah pageant. so when we saw the contestants through an outside window, and they were wearing just about nothin', she was delicately surprised.

whoops. i was likewise surprised when i saw, through described window, my student Eedee wearing only a little black somethin'. i think i am not supposed to see students like that, so it was a bit embarrassing. i slid back quickly instead of waving.

Eedee is the third from the right. anyone think the guy on the far right is worth a chuckle?

here is Eedee, later, clothed.

everyone was surprised to see each other on all levels.


Trishelle said...

Heather, you are hilarious! It was a night of new experiences and truly seeing a side of people we wouldn't generally see.

I posted my thoughts too. :)

Tiffany said...

I LOVE it! Way to go supportive teacher!!

Gabi said...

Oh... That´s occuard (?)... So, did he win?!

Derek Bitter, M.A. said...

the guy on the right? what about the guy on the left trying to fly? i'm sure he got the ribbon for trying something new.

Kelley said...

I had to laugh when I read Trishelle's version of events. I can imagine you and Eedee were a little embarrassed the next time you saw each other. :)