Wednesday, October 29, 2008


we've noticed being in Brazil is like jetting back to being kids. this is not because we have 0 responsibility right now, but because since we can't speak we always need someone to help us do simple things. we also seem to be immaturing.

last week we went to a Halloween dance. i was an angel and Rach was a devil. isn't this fitting?

cara was our costume consultant and make-up artist. first reason of the night to feel like kids: playing dress up. although i must admit that i still love dress up, which is why Halloween is my favorite holiday.
randy drove us to the dance. in a fit of adolescent self-consciousness, we refused to get out of the car until he went in the building, checked out the dance, and reported back to us. we wanted to make sure we weren't the only ones decked out. bring back memories of high school, anyone?

once we survived the arrival, we luckily found our friends just as dressed up as we.

Fernando (Duck), Gabi, Louis (Mindu), Rach, H, Erico

Beautiful Taiza


we quickly realized that along with speaking Portuguese to make it in Brazil, we also need to know how to dance the Forro'. can i just say, these boys have hips! mastering this dance will probably take just as long as learning the language, but we'll see what we can do.

since were pretty pathetic at this dance, even after several tries, we decided to teach the Brazilians how to have a hoe-down. here ya go:


Tiffany said...

YES!! I LOVE IT!! Video of your crazy dancing, there is nothing better.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN & BIRTHDAY!!

Unknown said...

Wow are you professional dancers?