Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Primary Party

Rach and I helped out at the ward's primary (children's organization at church) party last Saturday. we blew up a thousand balloons, hung them up, and then helped the children make ghost suckers. the kids made a few other crafts and then went swimming. it was so cute. the primary is a mix of Brazilian children from here in Brasilia and English speaking children from all over, of US Embassy families. we're thinking it might be easier to learn Portuguese from the kids. easier sentence structure. and the little Brazilians are so dang cute!

here is Rachel teaching the kids how to make spooky ghosts.

this little girl is obviously impressed with her Portuguese.

this is my favorite little girl, Karol. she is so pretty and sweet. i was pleased to see that she remembered me at church the next day and waved to me across the room.

check out this backyard. isn't it beautiful?

it's so funny to see Halloween decorations on a summer lawn.

rach with some Brazilian candied apples. well, i'm not sure if they're Brazilian or just made by a Brazilian. they are like fist-sized jawbreakers. none of that whimpy carmel for us!


Trishelle said...

Heath, it looks like you are having an amazing experience there! Those apples look scrumptious! How do you make them?

Heather Bankhead said...

Trish, you get your maid to make these apples. that's how.