Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's Not Hot

these are the things i try not to let myself think while i am walking around in the 109 degree death heat:

"I am going to die."

"I can't breathe."

"My car is sitting in the sun and will be 130 degrees when I get to it, but who cares because I am going to die before then."

"My clothes are sopping wet."

"If I worked at McDonald's, I could be in air conditioning."

"Michael Jackson never had to do something like this."

thought like these, or my internal scheming about what i could go back and say to the huge scary man who yelled at me, only make me cranky.  so i try not to do it.  

but i am sure i will think of the perfect retort tomorrow.


Trishelle said...

Oh Heather! I wish I could send you the fresh smell of cool, summer rain, air conditioners and ice packs! It sounds intense down there!

tami said...

please don't die. you should make Danny walk around with you, holding an umbrella over your head.

Tiffany said...

If I could I would walk around with an umbrella holding it over you/us. maybe you will take home some of this UT rain so that we can actually have a summer!!

Tiffany said...

oh and some battles are NOT worth thinking of the perfect retort, you could die for thinking of one... just a thought...

Heather Bankhead said...

i never thought of the retort. but danny said he'd go have words with him. i didn't give him the address in case he was serious.