Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I just overheard in my last class that one of my 15 year-old students is pregnant. She told a group of girls that she was sitting with, and they all looked at her in sympathy. One said, "Well, your baby will be pretty!..." and another, "Man I am not going there until I am 26!" This comment made me sad for the little doe-eyed girl sitting there with an expressionless face. She suddenly seems a lot tinier to me than she did before.

She has not yet told her parents. She is afraid to.

I tried to find a way conveniently pull her away from the group to chat, but to no avail. After class a herd of students needed help.

I am dying to talk to her, though I am afraid I don't know how. Unsolicited help doesn't always go over well with teens, and I don't have a relationship with her yet that would merit my barge. I don't have her class again until Thursday, and what if she needs someone now? Almost everything I think of to do seems a bit too overwhelming. Maybe I can sneak her out of another class tomorrow--but then say what? I could always write her a note and vicariously talk to her, but that almost seems insincere.

I wish I had snagged her today! No matter how uncertain I am about talking to her, I know that doing nothing because I don't know what to do would be the bigger mistake. It's my job, right? Is it presumptuous of me to assume she even needs or wants anything?

Even if so, I can't help it.  I'll find a way to talk to her tomorrow.

She is a sweet little girl that needs help.  
I hope I'm not belittling her.


Gabi said...

Hey, you should just tell her that you heard her talking with her friends and that if she needs an adult to talk to, you´re available. And that sometimes it´s good to talk with an adult, even if she doesn´t think that... That she actually has as huge problem at her back and she needs to solv it... =D
If she accept your help, tell her about condoms, birth control pills and all the STDs. Also about abortion, she does have this option in there, right?!

Anyway... Just help her!!! She´s just a baby...

so, how are you? I miss you so so sooooo much...

Love you!

Trishelle said...

Wow. This must have been an intense situation! Were you able to talk to her yet?

I can only imagine just how much you wanted to just hug her and comfort her! This is such a huge, grown-up situation for a child to deal with.

I have no doubt you will be able to instill in her that you care and are someone she can trust. Knowing there is someone trustworthy in your corner is a REALLY good start.

benniegirl said...

this is part of why i believe there's no way teachers are paid enough! especially the ones that still care so much about their students.