Monday, February 16, 2009

Thanks but...

i've started my new job at a high school in Salt Lake. i'm teaching Sophomore English and Skills for Success, a class to support students who are struggling in school.
i'm really excited about this position, because i've been wanting to try out high school (over middle school) to see how it's different.

this is how it's different:

friday the students were divided up into 4 groups, 2 making a list on a poster about the reasons why people use certain drugs, and the other 2 describing the consequences of such use. Tyler was the scribe for his group, listing why some people choose to smoke marijuana. when i called for all lists to be posted on the board, his was the last to go up. his last bullet for why people smoke marijuana was "F%$* that Sh@#&."

this was of course written bigger than any thing else on the paper, so it was easily detected. i took it off the board and put it back on his desk. "I like that you're so against marijuana use. Please make this classroom appropriate." without a grumble he drew some pictures over it and it was ready to go up. looked pretty good, actually.

he also had on the reasons poster: "Because you know you're going to get some from your girl." to which a teacher can only reply: "Oh yeah, because a guy is so HOT when he is high!"

so, here we go.


Joy and Ted said...

Congrats on the new job Heather! What school? Are you thinking just until the end of the school year or longer? Looks like you're having fun with your fam. Love ya!

Dustin said...

so, do you have any advice for someone teaching a small group of 7th/8th graders about plant chemistry? maybe i should talk about drugs - since your class seemed to like it...)

Heather Bankhead said...

Sure lots of advice for middle school and drugs. I suggest Ritalin.

7th and 8th graders needs lots of stuff to do, and stickers. No matter the subject.

Is this the Dustin that Evan thinks is really hot?

Dustin said...

hmmm...I heard the same about you.) I'll look into passing out some Ritalin to the class, as long as nothing legal gets in the way. How do like like living in Utah?

Heather Bankhead said...

dustin--yeah, just don't tell anyone.