Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!


Not a red rose or a satin heart.

I give you an onion.
It is a moon wrapped in brown paper.
It promises light
like the careful undressing of love.

It will blind you with tears
like a lover.
It will make your reflection
a wobbling photo of grief.

I am trying to be truthful.

Not a cute card or kissogram.

I give you an onion.
Its fierce kiss will stay on your lips,
possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are.

Take it.
Its platinum loops shrink to a wedding ring,
if you like.
Its scent will cling to your fingers,
cling to your knife.

--Carol Ann Duffy

i found this poem while teaching poetry last year. it is one of my favorites.

check out Mary Ann's Valentine surprise. it sort of makes me want a husband.


Mary Ann said...

The thing about this poem is that it is completely and utterly true. I had fun yesterday!

Denice said...

I like this poem a lot!! I hope you had a Happy Valentine's Day!!