Wednesday, March 4, 2009


tonight was night 1 of parent teacher conferences.  i had a table amongst all the A-B named teachers and was the only one that ate her own welcoming candy.  no one really knows me yet so i happily sat there alone munching on Swedish Fish and reading Consumer Report.  9 people did stop by my table.  two of those were Zack and Ben, who were on their way back from the mall. these boys were mentioned before.

Zack began the conversation with, "Miss, you voted for Obama, huh?" 
"I knew it by the way you say stuff.  You know he smokes, right?"
"Yeah.  Lots of people smoke."
Long pause.
"Well, just so you know, I was for McCain all the way.  He woulda had my vote if I coulda."

interesting.  i've never said a word about my political preferences, yet i guess they're pretty transparent.  at least to those who would recognize them.  a concept brought to my attention in grad school is that teachers are always in danger of pushing an agenda.  even indirectly.   it comes out through pedagogy and book choice and descriptions.  and, as in my case, "the way i say stuff."  somehow, this particular manner reveals my Choice.  being in a position of influence over children, this passes an agenda.  possibly this is unavoidable.

curious, also, that Zack wanted to clear up his stance on the issue.  i'm impressed.
i decided then that since we'd opened up about the president, i could broach the acne problem. i know it's a touchy subject, but is still one that needs to be done if the opportunity permits.  i told them about my sure cure.  it's this:  Aqua Glycolic toner and Rosac cream.  the toner doesn't require a prescription, but it is purchased in the pharmacy.  it's blue.  maybe it's green, i can't really tell those colors apart.  Rosac is only prescribed.  once one has those things, they should use the toner morning and night in place of any other cleanser, and rinse it off.  nothing else.  then, the cream.  a new face is on the way.

again, an agenda.


Derek Bitter, M.A. said...

you sure never wore an Obama shirt to class? Or maybe you said the word "change" more times than normal.

Heather Bankhead said...

oh yeah, i forgot about my secret obama tshirt that i wear under everything! maybe that clued them in.

Trishelle said...

I'm impressed too...with both of you.

Not only does it show that he is observant and confident enough in himself to discuss what is important to him, It also says some pretty great things about you as an educator as well.

You have obviously instilled in your students the importance of voting by being an example. Obviously, he knew you did.

I can imagine as an educator, you need to be careful in what you say. However, aren't we teaching our youth to be forward, individual thinkers who may have a varying opinion from others? His comfort in discussing this topic with you illustrates his confidence in your ability to be objective. It is a delicate balance, but one you juggle nicely.

As for the recommendations for his skin, ug. I hate that some kids have to deal with that.

When I read that, I remembered when I recommended using pure lavender and lemon oils on the skin to clear up acne. I was, of course, suggesting this even as my own face was on fire! (Sooooo sorry about that one).

One person actually recommended that I put a freshly used diaper from a baby on my face and it would clear up my acne in no time! It was so public and embarrassing. Thank goodness for medicines that really work!