there are many little creatures here that roam around as if unafraid. this guy was in Matt's mom's swimming pool, where we go every afternoon. it's a mole. a dead one. he should have watched his step.
the other day matt and mare and i were driving back from town. in the road ahead of us was a HuGE opossum. huge. ew. matt tried to miss it (or so he says), but to no avail. thunk, thunk.
i was distraught. matt!!! mare told me that we don't have to feel bad about hitting opossums, because they are so ugly.
matt says, "man that probably hurt. how'd it feel to get hit in the head with the bottom of the car?"
even spoken in the southern drawl, it's gross. i made matt turn around to go hit it again to make sure it was dead, so it wasn't suffering. he did, since he says he has no problem running over opposums.
much to my chagrin, when we got back it was gone. that is what i was freaking out about in the first place, that we didn't hit it hard enough and it would just crawl away and suffer. sigh. next time i'll ask him to speed up.
I remember seeing so much stinking road kill on my mission, in one area accross the border it was legal to eat the stuff now how wrong is that?
This post is too funny!
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