we've so far experienced Brazil through the friendships of 5 amazing people. almost as soon as we arrived here, we were swept into a circle of very close, long-time friends that we have grown to love. Fernando and Gabriela, Érico, Taíza, and Mindú. you've seen lots of pictures and read stories, and i wish you could come to dinner with all of us one night to really experience them.
they take care of each other. they communicate with ease in their words and big gestures and touch. they live side by side with full expectation that they will all be around for a long time. i love how they express fondness for each other just as easily as they brazenly chasten. not much seems to offend, probably because all are confident in their good relationships.
everything is topped with their physical comfort with one another. i love seeing Fernando and Mindu greet each other after a day apart as if they were long-lost friends, Érico kiss his sister Taíza in greeting, Gabi scolding Mindu for who-knows-what as she concurrently has her arm draped around his shoulder. Taíza and Gabi both grab my hand when they are telling me something important. one night at dinner, Érico and his married sister Tainà were sitting side by side. they were in separate conversations, and i saw Érico naturally reach over and rest his hand on Tainà's newly swelling, pregnant belly. it was beatiful. i wish i had a picture.
while my brother is very loving himself with words, he's only kissed me once. it was a long time ago. we were arguing about something, and i remember telling him to "kiss my butt." so, he grabbed my face and kissed me on the forehead. i have to admit, it was very funny.
(Myles--i'm totally not saying you get to kiss me hello now.)
we met our friends due to a chance encounter at institute (religion class) one of the first nights after we arrived here. there we met Taíza, and were very relieved that she spoke English. we immediately loved her. that one little meeting has made all the difference for us here in Brazil, as we were then introduced to the rest of the group. we have been to their homes and met parents and grandparents and looked at pictures and tasted new food. we've been taken all over the area on little adventures. they've included us in their circle and taken care of us as well. Rachel and i are contstantly amazed at the luck we've had here. we are so grateful to them!
we love our Brasilians. we'll miss you!
Sounds like you're still having fun. I like hearing about the people you're meeting. What an adventure! Any plans for Christmas?
Ooooooooooh... Cute!!! =D
I loved what you written in that post. BEAUTIFUUUUUUUL!!!
We looove to meet you girls. It was soooo much fun this past months! You have to come back... Why go to the States?! Its going to be freezing in there... Stay here... Is Sunny all year long! =D
Girls, I loved to meet you. Realy. And I'm sure we're going to be friends for ever. And we still gonna see each other around this world!
Good for Fernando and I that we'll see you in 2 weeks!!! =D
Love ya.
What a great blessing to meet wonderful people right off the bat.. I'm happy you are such a friend magnet and find people who are so amazing...
good luck and you and rach have fun on your next adventure. love, missy
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