Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Foz do Iguaçu=Big Water. Understatement. See here:

Everything was so beautiful. We could not believe what we were seeing. Each independent waterfall was amazing, and there were hundreds of them. 294 to be exact. I am sort of depressed looking at these pictures, because none capture what the falls really were like.

Iguaçu was definitely worth the trip. It was worth being the only trip, if we only had one to choose. We met a guy today who rode a bus 18 hours from Buenos Aires, and is turning around tomorrow to take the same trip back. He was happy he did it. By the way, this particular guy was recently laid off from Lehman Bros, so he took off to South America. I laughed when I found that out. Shouldn´t have, but sometimes I can´t help it.

We also loved the little town we were in. Our hostel was clean and pretty, the manager helped us with everything. There is a run-around man that has driven us a few places. He goes through the neighborhoods and honks at all his friends.

Here are some some pictures. I will be posting all of what we took on facebook, so watch there for them. They are amazing. xo

1 comment:

Mary Ann said...

You look so cute, posing by the water. There is no where I would rather be on my birthday then in that water with the green trees and blue skys. Take me away!