Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Trip

i've lately been pouring pictures and last-minute stories onto the blog. it's because i need to get our Brasilia life all journaled-up before we head off on our next excursion. on monday at 5am we leave for a four-week adventure around some of the south of Brazil. with backpacks only. oh, and some malaria pills and peanut butter that we very happily found today at some wal-mart-esque store.

here is where we're going.

1st: Iguaçu Falls.

2nd: Curitiba (Curichiba) to go here

3rd: Florianopolis, a beautiful little island off the coast

4th: Rio de Janeiro

5th: Cabo Frio, where we are meeting Gab and Fernando and fams
6th: back to Rio to get Chad, then back to Cabo Frio
7th: Copacabana. Look, here's Rach!

8th: Denver, maybe like this


Tiffany said...

So we need to call your mom soon...?

Ashley and Hallie said...

Oh wow! That looks like such a blast! Those pictures are amazing! You're going to have so much fun! Those waterfalls looked amazing. I was reading Myles the part that you said you were back packing through Brazil and he got all nervous. He said do you know the drug runners that are in South America? I thought it was kinda cute...he's very worried about you, so be careful and have fun! :)

Trishelle said...

Those pictures are gorgeous!...except the picture of Denver. That one chills my bones and makes me want to double up on the socks and long underwear.

Gabi said...

Hmmmm... I think I won´t go to Cabo Frio to go to Denver... That sunny and worm picture... Hmmmmm... =D

Just Kidding. But hey, you could stay here longer!!! It´s sunny all year!!! =D

Love you.

Mary Ann said...

Jonah liked those pictures- he wanted me to tell you that.
What a fun adventure! Jealousy is overtaking my body! I am glad you have your malaria pills at least to keep you company.
can't wait to hear and see all about it!

Tamara said...

your photos are amazing. it's so beautiful.