Tuesday, December 16, 2008

First Stop

we arrived at Iguaçu safe and sound yesterday afternoon. this place is as different as night and day from Brasilia. for starters, the Portuguese is not only spoken with a few different pronunciations, it is shared with Spanish. this is because we are in Argentina~s back yard. every other person speaks something different, or a mix of both. i kinda like it, since i can pull vocab from both languages and manage to put together a sentence. it gets confusing, though, and since my language is already pretty screwey, it is now just a disaster. blah.

the first thing we did after checking into our hostel, which, by the way, is beautiful, is set off in search of food. i was starving and therefore cranky, and we could find nothing. every place we tried was closed or not cooking for some reason. finally, Rachel noticed a little counter poking out of a run down looking building. we stumbled in and discovered an outdoor pool hall filled with rusty old men drinking cerveza. a younger guy in dreadlocks ran over and we asked if he had any food. he said no, but that he could make us some cheese burgers for three haies (this isn~t spelled right, but the Spanish issue is messing me up and i can~t sound it out for the life of me). Brasilian burgers have much to be desired but since starvation was the alternative, we took him up on it. turns out they were the best dang food we have ordered. loved them. and loved the little bar. we watched the grandpas play pool for a while, it was pretty intense.

we went to Foz do Iguaçu today. it was the most breathtaking thing we have either ever seen. prepare for some sweet footage.


Mary Ann said...

Jealousy! That is basically the only word I can ever say when I read your blog! I am glad you are safe and that you had a fun adventure with old men- that doesn't sound right, but you know what I mean.

Trishelle said...

Hey! Good luck on the next phase of your adventure. May you come across many more yummy Brazilian burgers.

Love you!

Gabi said...

Hey... Don´t say we´re Argentina´s back yard... They´re our back yard... Look at he size... We´re bigger and stronger!!! =D

I looooove the fact that you´re loving my country!!! It´s beautiful!!! =D

I miss you girls sooooo much... You have no idea... I want to see you very soon!!! =D

Hum... Is it raining in there or is it sunny? It´s cold and raining here in Brasília... =P

Love you girls! Have lots of fun!!!
