Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Yard

Cara and Randy have a some pretty sweet fruit trees in their yard: lemon, papaya, starfruit, banana, cashew fruit, orange, mango, and avocado. can you imagine the dreamland that is the backyard full of mangoes and avocados? here are some pics of the yard, house, and lemonade.

so far, every Brasilian yard i've seen has a hammock or two. usually matching.

it's a mystery to me how Brasilia has all in the same soil pine trees, palm trees, and cacti. but, behold.

Cara's pretty painted windows.

the house





trees trees trees



Trishelle said...

This is where you live?! It's like paradise!

Mary Ann said...

so lucky to have all that fresh fruit! and the yard and house look so fun. jealous- why couldn't I go with you on this trip? don't you love starfruit?

Tiffany said...

WOW! That is an amazing house and yard it looks like some fancy spa or something...

Tamara said...

why is it that we don't have gardens like that in the US? we definitely need to become more self sufficient. every house in Fiji had a garden very similar to this one. i love the fresh food.