Saturday, December 13, 2008

Girls' Night Out

with Cara. we went to the cutest little empanada restaurant. i notice restaurants where the servers are patient with very-beginning Portuguese. this was a good one. and let me tell you, coconut empanadas are heavenly.


Celta7 said...

Good blog, but you do not have a button to be able to follow

Heather Bankhead said...

a button?

Tiffany said...

You can add a gadget so that people can follow your blog....under customize and then layout, add a gadget...

Isn't everyday kind of a girls' night out for you? Coconut emanada's do sound heavenly..

Mary Ann said...

the ice cream looks so good. I was listening to the Sarah McLachlan christmas cd you gave me the other night. well, almost every day I listen to it in the car.