Friday, December 5, 2008

Raquel and Hech

"Rachel" translates well into Portuguese: Raquel. "Heather" on the other hand, is a different story. Brasilians have a very difficult time pronouncing it. i'm constantly repeating it to embarrassed listeners. i used to spell it, then realized that just made things worse. i'm thinking of giving myself a new name. ideas?

once, i was introduced in Relief Society as "Hech". it was awesome.


Tiffany said...

Hmmmm, I think I like Hech, it has a certain charm...., Does Lanet translate any better? Or how about Lola?

Mary Ann said...

I am going to start calling you Hech!

Gabi said...

I think you should call yourself Gabi here!!! =D
Everybody would think it's Gabriela, justa like mine and that Gabi is a short for it... =D