Some of my favorite phrases--
Gabi: "things look good, and then you start adding stuff to it and everything just gets weird."
Taiza: "i will be sick if i eat that."
Erico: "it smells like an American house in here!"
Patu: "i'm carving the turkey, i'm carving the turkey!"
and Mindu ate enough Thanksgiving to equal an American man getting ready for some football.
everyone tried everything but the yams. i tried them first and they were really gross so i let them out of that. except, i think that was the only dish Gabi actually liked, and Taiza ate all the marshmallows off the top.
it was great.
Wow!! You had A LOT of Thanksgivings... very impressive...
Fun stuff- I love all the comments about the traditional dishes. sorta funny!
IT WAS WEIRD!!! You don't put sweet and salty food together in Brasil unless you are chinese/japonese or Fernando and Erico (who like beans with banana...) =P
The thing I really liked was the turkey with the potatos and sauce. Hmmmm... =D
But the yammes with marshmellows were kind of good. I don't know how, but I liked it... Go figures... =D
The burger cake was good too... Specially with the wipping cream that Mindu likes to say he did it, but actually I put the sugar on it, so I did it!!! =D
Anyway... I think the best was all of us together, and one more time, I'm thankful for it!!! =D
Hey... Best Thanksgiving ever!!! =D
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