Monday, November 3, 2008


Thursday Night

Mindu, me, Gab, Erico, Rach

Dinner later--Rach and I with our first Pizza Portuguesa (cheese, ham, eggs, etc.). Surprisingly good.


camilla said...

What kind of camera do you have? It takes awesome shots. It looks like you are having so much fun!! Thanks for doing a blog, I love it! PS I don't know why you can't make my blog a link. Lo siento. Como se dice como se dice?

Heather Bankhead said...

cam--i have a Cannon, which is the kind i told Dave to get when he was talking about it on Facebook. The pics in this particular post though were taken by my friend Fernando, who also has a Cannon. his is a serious business camera, though, much more technical than mine. plus he is just talented.
but Cannons are the best.